Monday, January 31, 2011


We got a fish on Thursday. He didn't make it for very long. I didn't even take a picture of him alive yet, and we had to have a funeral.

It was very interesting. Sam was sure he wasn't dead because his eyes were still open, until Auntie Maryann explained to him that fish don't have eyes. Process, process, process. Oh. Well, maybe he's sleeping. I don't think so, honey!

It provided a great family home evening topic, as the kids weren't even sure what a funeral was, and they got to hear about mortal bodies and where our spirits go when we die and what our resurrected body will be like. Then we each took turns saying something nice about Charlie... all I can say is, after that experience, I'm pretty sure I want Pearl to give my eulogy. She's a natural.
Poor Charlie. He doesn't look so good.
As Sam was Charlie's owner, he gets the privelege of flushing the toilet.
Bye bye, Charlie!
Ok, he can't resist a little smile. After all, he is a little boy who just got to flush something down the toilet. Come on, that's a little bit cool.
After we all leave, I catch him soflty saying "bye bye, Charlie" It was very sweet.

A few minutes later he comes into the office crying and needing cuddles. I easily distract him by helping him pick out names for our next fish that we'll get on Wednesday. We settled on Gabe. And we promise we won't go to Lee's Feed, we'll try another pet store. After that he felt much better.

As he was going potty before his bath, he blithely commented "Hey! My pee is going where my fish went!!!" Oh Sam, I'm never sure how much you understand...