Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 year checkup

Max had his 2 year appointment today. He's chubby this time... 25% for weight, 4% for height. The doctor was amazed that he knew all his shapes and colors. He was SUCH a good boy, she kept commenting on how mellow he was and how well he would do with a baby sister (which remains to be seen....) The nurse and I were chatting during his one shot, so he didn't see it coming, and then right after it was done I pulled his shorts back up and told him it was time to go... so his half formed fuss turned into a hysterical giggle at the thought of escaping more shots:) The nurse said she's NEVER had that reaction!

On another note, he had his first tantrum today... wow. To be fair, he was tired and hungry and overdue for tylenol, but he was completely irrational. Poor baby. He lay on the floor crying for 10 minutes and the big kids and I just sat there, and they were looking at him like he was a stranger. Seriously, never happened before. Once I got some tylenol in him and convinced him to sit with me and eat his snack (which he calmed down to accept once he saw Sam try to claim it...) he was all better. Must be hard to have your brain so incomplete! Here's to hoping it doesn't develop into a habit... I can handle the "no no no no" that he gets over in 5 seconds, but if I have to endure rounds of crying every day, I might not make it...

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