Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome Baby

So, on Wednesday, thinking I was never going to have the baby... I went into labor:) We got to labor and delivery at about 1 am after contractions every 3 minutes... and I was only 3cm:( But, lucky for me, the contractions were consistent enough AND I was group B Strep positive, so they admitted me so that they could make sure I got all my doses of meds before delivering baby. SCORE!!! After 8 hours of antibiotics, I was only at 4, so they started Pit. A few hours later, I got an epidural, and slept for a bit. Nice. By 6:00, I was STILL only at a 4, but she kind of thought she could feel baby's head. She kept saying that my cervix was so soft it was hard to tell... that baby just needed to come down! She was still afraid to break my water... so I was all settled in to wait some more when the attending came in and made the call to break my water. An hour later, I was ready to push! She was still a bit too high, but they asked me if I thought I could push her down, and I said YESSSSS!!!!! So, as with all the other babies (except this time I got to see it, I asked for a mirror) they said, ok, go ahead and try to push, and halfway through the first push they yell STOP!!! They got the doc all gowned and ready, and she was out in one push, well, one and a half. Which meant she spent almost no time in the birth canal, and that she has the most perfectly shaped head for a newborn:) It was bizarre to see it, I asked for the mirror because it was my last child... and I'm kind of glad I've never seen it before. It may be amazing, but it's not pretty.

We were able to have a short hospital stay, just barely over 24 hours, so I only had to have baby in there one night. Which was awesome, the second night is always the WORST because baby isn't sleepy anymore and you're stuck in a tiny room with nowhere to walk. She was still up all night last night, but we could move to different rocking chairs and look at halloween lights and just be happier in general:) The stay was so short, and she was such a good eater and pooper, I didn't really take many pictures... but you get the idea:) She's beautiful, I am SO GRATEFUL for all of my healthy children, truly, it is an amazing thing.


Sherry H said...

So is Jared going to retire the birthing tick Tshirt now? I feel like we should make a quilt or pillow or something out of it for him. I think Amy will say, (to the pillow or something).

Amy said...

I think we should have a ceremonial burning. Jared will say we need to keep it just in case... I say not possible:)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the doc was waaay off on her weight, 7 lbs. 7 oz. versus 8 1/2 lbs! :0)