Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hex Bugs

Max has a love hate relationship with the hex bugs.

Sammy got a really cool glow in the dark set for Christmas from Max, and Santa was kind enough to put a few bugs in Max's stocking so he could play with his brother. Max thought they were great until it turned on (they kind of vibrate on their rubber legs to move around pretty quickly and bump into things). He dropped it and ran away crying.

Yesterday, he played hex bugs with Danny. Two of the three (there were 5, who knows where the other ones went) were out of batteries, so we went to target to get batteries for the hex bugs. Let me tell you, there was much conversaion about "baddedies" for the hex bugs, and when I let him get a new multi pack to share with Pearl and Sam (Pearl was a little sad she didn't get any, go figure, we found her a purple one), he was so excited. So excited that when he dragged all 5 into the hot dog place for lunch, and I told him we would open them at home, he bolted his hot dog in 3 bites (I kid you not, I was very afraid of choking) and told me he was ready to go (I wasn't, but that's another story...). We got home, he slept with his red hex bug (still in it's tube), and all the kiddos got to play for a half an hour or so when he got up before we took off for achievement days/taekwondo/kickboxing.

So, this morning, thinking he was healed of his bug scare (I mean, he was fairly obsessed with them yesterday) I let him play hex bugs alone upstairs. First we spent quite some time looking for the red hex bug (his new one) to no avail. So, we replaced the dead batteries, and I went off to do dishes or whatever it is I do. All the sudden, I hear a scream and some hysterical crying. I race upstairs to see Max clinging to the banister in an attempt to not be on the floor with the escaped hex bug. Hilarious.

This brings us to the part of the day where I'm a bad mom. I got him down for a nap, then went for a walk with Ruby to give him some quiet time to fall asleep. We checked on grandma, and when we got back, I hear Max crying, which is quite unusual. That kid always goes down fine for naps. I walk in and he's standing in the corner of his room clutching his shoes and socks and shaking and crying. I look on his bed, and see the culprit... he found his red bug. It was there, buzzing away on his pillow. I turned it off and removed the culprit, but it took him some time to stop shaking and calm down.

I don't think he gets any alone time with hex bugs anymore. We need big brother (who is NOT afraid of the bugs) to play with them:)

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