Sunday, April 22, 2012


Did I mention that Jared and I are training for a half marathon? It's kind of life obsessing this week as we are getting started on training. Our job for the next two weeks is to run 30 minutes without stopping. That is actually starting to get much easier, I can breathe the whole time and I'm not so sore anymore. Next phase is a series of 3 and 4 mile runs during the week and a gradually escalating long run on Saturdays, going up to 12 miles in the 7th week of training. I'm a little nervous about that, but have confidence that we can do it!

This all started with Annie, my running mentor, I'm so glad she had this idea! I'm still shocked and amazed that I can run three miles with her, she's been running for years. I used to look at people like that, people who could run, and think I'm just not athletic, I'm just not one of those people... well, guess I was wrong. Happily.

Pictures next time, I promise:)

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