Friday, January 2, 2009

Snow Jeeping with Mona

So, Uncle Brian's jeep, Mona, was once again central to our family entertainment. Jared was invited by his jeeping buddies (only because they know Mona's on loan - otherwise, we would not be part of the club...) to go snow jeeping on New Year's Day. He took his brother John instead of me (mostly because I get really carsick, especially in the Jeep. Good thing I didn't marry Brian - that would have been quite a dissapointment...) and the kids along. They had a great time, and Jared even looked (sort of) like he knew what he was doing! Then, after they went home, he took the kids to chinese food and broke the Jeep in the parking lot - that's right. You can imagine how that call to Brian went...uh, I broke mona...what happened is that he locked the door and it wouldn't come unlocked. Further inspection revealed that the lock was held together with duct tape and bailing wire, Brian wasn't too surprised that that was the problem. Hopefully he can get it fixed before Brian returns (I think we have a few years...) Oh, and yes, Sam is wearing a hot pink snow suit courtesy of a Pearl hand me down. He kept telling people it was really red - nice try, buddy. I guess we'll have to ship that one out to Cumorah! At least he was warm:)
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