Friday, March 16, 2012

First Foods

So... you can tell she is the fourth child. With Pearl, I was oh so careful, very runny organic rice cereal and breastmilk for over a week... then a new food every few days... oh the blenderfulls of homemade baby food. Not so much for Ruby. I'm sure I'll be doing the homemade food thing (the jarred stuff just smells nasty. And bananas, seriously, who on earth buys the jars of bananas?) But not for Ruby. No no no. This is how it goes with Ruby... she's watching me eat my smoothie... she just wants it in her mouth so bad... so I give it to her. That's right, Ruby's first food was blueberry/orange/banana/spinach/yogurt/oat groat smoothie.

She really liked it. And, apparently, she's not allergic to blueberries/oranges/bananas/spinach/yogurt/oat groats. Good thing:)

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