Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sam's Face

Last week, Sam came home from school with his face looking something like this:

Actually, this picture was taken 3 days later, it looked a lot better by then. As always, it's hard to get the real story of what happened out of Sam, but I looked out of my kitchen door on Saturday and this is what I found:

I think it's fair to say that this is likely what happened... he was either "basking" like a lizzard (which he actually loves to do on the asphalt when he's cold, which is often as he has absolutely no body fat and his brain isn't big enough to remember to put on a sweatshirt at recess) or playing dead... (I heard both versions from him) and another kid tripped on his face and skidded it across the playground. Really, can you blame the other kid? Look at that silent sprawl... you do that on the playground, and you are just asking for it.... live and learn, Sam, live and learn:)

1 comment:

Mary L. said...

Hopefully he'll learn so he will live!