Sunday, September 12, 2010

Air Show

Last week on Friday night for our fun adventure we went to Costco to buy some composters. That's where we saw the airshow tickets. Jared has always wanted to go, I've always meant to get tickets for him but I always forget until it's over. So, we got tickets. Sam watched some videos on line and spent the next 7 days asking if it was time to go to the airshow yet.

The only plane we really went inside was a big refueling plane. This is the spot where they guy lays down and deploys the tube for re-fueling. We got to talk to one of the operators... it sounds difficult.
Max looking at all the controls.
They all got to take a turn in the pilot's seat. So awesome.

Sporting our cool ear protection. Doesn't Pearl look so enthused about it?:)

Robosaurus... we've been waiting all week for robosaurus... he's cool. He's huge and breathes fire... and eats cars.
I thought Sam was just loving it, then all of the sudden he asked where the rescue airplanes were? Weren't they going to stop the dinosaur!
Then I hear him crying... just too much for him. Now he says his favorite part was the last airplane (I don't remember what it's called... it's the one the military is currently using... Jared will have to post the airplane pictures).
We did get some awesome pictures of the airplanes. Jared really enjoyed the zoom lens on the camera... it was kind of like a binocular and you get pictures too! I'll see if I can convince him to post about them becuase I still don't know all their names. It was fun, but I think it's going go have to be a father son (and maybe some uncles and grandpas too?) thing. Max every once in a while did see a plane, but it was a long day for Pearl and Max. Sam and Jared, on the other hand, I think could have stayed forever:)


kashurst said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I'be always lived a good air show! It's the military brat in me!

Crystal Hulbert said...

What about an aunt thing? At least an aunt crystal thing.

Anonymous said...

You captured great shots! I really love Pearls enthused expression on her face under the hat and sun glasses! Max looks adorable with the noise cancelling head phones on! Sam's excitement is soo adorable! It looked like a whole lot of fun! And was that dinosaur spitting out fire? Or is that a cloud? I would love to go to the air show. Maybe next year!