Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It's official. Max is brilliant. He's just 22 months, and he says all his shapes and colors (well, most of them). The sad part is that he learned his shapes with an iPhone game (which is actually pretty impressive to watch), but the colors are definitely from me. Being an early intervention speech therapist makes me extra aware of his skills... we've been working on labeling colors for a while. Over the last few months he's been putting words together, and saying multisyllabic words like "cheeseburger" (embarassing, I know!), and he learns new words every day... right on target! We've also been working on our prepositions (for a while everything was up) but now he has up, down, in, and out pretty well mastered. Here is a little video of his colors and shapes... I pretty much think it's the cutest thing in the world when he says "triangle" and "yellow":) Enjoy!

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