Sunday, August 12, 2012

First day of School!!! First day of School!!!

Can you believe it?  School started August 9th this year.  I know, summer was just getting started!  (at least it feels that way...)
Max was a little sad not to be going to school too, his will start up in a few weeks:)
 Pearl is in fourth grade this year, and is now attending the big school up the hill (sniff, sniff!)  Sammy is in first grade, and this is how I know the school knows him well... I was so worried about first grade because they do a lot of whole group instruction with the overhead projector, and he would totally not pay attention, but guess what?  His seat is front and center, right in front of the overhead and the teacher.  Hmm, maybe think his Kinder teacher talked to the first grade teacher?
 I was so busy this summer, and it is SO HOT, that I didn't get around to shopping for a first day of school outfit for Pearl.  Luckilly, I was halfway through a t-shirt dress I was making for her, and was able to finish it in time.  Dorky that I made her first day of school dress, or uber cool?  I can't decide... but she likes it.  She's worn it three times this week!  (don't worry, only once to school:)
 And Sam... this Hawaiian shirt was purchased for his kinder graduation (which I still haven't blogged about) and only worn one day.  Since it's the only non-superhero t-shirt shirt he owns, it became the first day of school shirt.  He didn't complain too much:)
On the first day, it was like 102 degrees, so I dropped them off and immediately took the babies for a 5 mile run.  Ahhhhh, it was SO NICE to just go RUN by MYSELF (and my double stroller:) without having to figure out what to do with all the kids!  Max and Ruby like the ride, the whole way back Ruby was waving and squealing at all the other runners, she got a lot of attention that way:)  Then, we went to wal mart, got some more things done... I love the routine school gives us!!:)  Good good good first day!


Lora said...

Absolutely too crazy...and too hot! Enjoy those school hours. :)

Maryann said...

First day of school??!!! Crazy. They're old school out here in MI. School starts day after labor day and ends at Memorial Day. But I think they're in school from 8:30 to 4 or something insane like that. Cute kiddos. I can't believe Pearl is in 4th grade.

Oh, and definitely uber cool. You're like supermom.