So, just two weeks after our last trip to the emergency room, Sam decided he wanted a matching scar. So, during a ward party, he tried to ride his bike down the stairs from the upper to lower deck. Didn't quite work out for him. Fortunately (or, ironically) we were having a ward activity at our house with a search and rescue demonstration and, you guessed it, the giant slip and slide. So, there were plenty of first aid professionals there to lend a hand, but in the end, we would up back at the Kaiser emergency room in Roseville. Poor Sam, after meeting him, the doctor was pretty sure he wouldn't keep a butterfly bandage, or even the magic glue on, so it was old fashioned stitches for him. The saddest part was, the doctor didn't even trust his ability to sit still for 25 minutes (was it that obvious after meeting Sam for just 30 seconds?) for the numbing gel to work, so it was a shot to the open wound for him. I have very strong childhood memories about that experience myself (and in the same spot too!) and I must say he took it like a man. Seriously, I would have been screaming way loud and he wasn't even that bad. So, now Pearl, Sam, and I all have matching scars. I'm just waiting for Jared to go next! Though, I'm pretty sure Sam is the one who will keep us going back for more...
Cream Fried Eggs
1 week ago
Poor Sammy boy. Very exciting to have it be during the party! :)
My chin hurts just looking at that picture...poor guy
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