Saturday, May 16, 2009

Super Dad

Ok, everyone knows how I like to complain that my husband is ALWAYS at work. Seriously, if your husband is in school and you think it will get better...well, sometimes it doesn't. To be fair, I know he is working really hard, and his company is international so he spends a couple evenings a week on the phone with just still puts me in a bad mood when he doesn't come take care of the kids at a decent hour (we're talking like by 7, I consider that a good night). The other thing that makes me cranky is he is supposed to take 13 WEEKS of vacation this year, well, we're almost halfway through, and he just took his 3RD DAY today. Anyways, I planned a lunch with the girls (my two very good friends Tami and Kelly) and he volunteered to babysit ALL of our kids! That's right, that meant 3 boys under the age of 3 for lunch, then taking the 2 year olds with him to pick up the girls. I had a fabulous, relaxing time, and the kids all survived the experience. He was super proud because he cooked eggs, chicken and soba noodles for lunch. I was thinking mac and cheese or peanut off. Thanks honey, you paid back a large amount of your debt today!
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1 comment:

Uncle Johnny said...

Jared's a pretty cool guy.