Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hot Dog Adventure

Auntie Amy had a crazy idea... let's go hike in the rain!!! Let's build a fire and roast hot dogs! Let's do it all with six little kids and no outside help!!! Yeah!!!!
So, off we go! A funny story on the way down... Pearl said she was ready to use the Biffy (from girl scouts - a bathroom in the forrest for you!). So, Maryann shooed the little kids down the trail to give Pearl some privacy. Cumorah said she didn't like the Biffy. Maryann said, do you know what it is? She said "some kind of animal." Sam said, "no, it's a creature!" Auntie Maryann took pity on them and explained that it was a bathroom:)
Sammy was always the poky. We'd hear this high little boy voice "wait for me!!!" - then we'd stop and he'd go slower...
Max was happy as always, in the super cool hiking backpack. We were quite the collection, with Max and Sidon in backpacks and Rivers in the stroller:)
Max laughing at the grass. No idea why it was so funny!
The girls were getting ready to roast some hot dogs!
I gave Max his pear sauce to keep him occupied. I opened it a bit so he could suck it out...
and he had to show everyone just how cool it was. Look at this!!!!
Ooh, what's that?
Sam spent some quality time with the owl that's a shooting target...
and got very sticky!!!
Love my kids!
I hope they remember just how cool of a mom I am as they get older... just look at that campfire I built! (I'm still proud:)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I would be proud of that fire too! How fun!!