Friday, October 29, 2010

Of pumpkins and things

I was feeling nostalgic today. I was thinking about what I wanted to do for the cousins for christmas, and I realized how fast they're growing up, and what a short time this young family thing is. It sometimes feels like forever, but today it felt too fast. So, I took the boys to the pet store, just becuase. Then, when Pearl got home, I ignored the mess in the kitchen and carved pumkins with Pearl, Sam, and Cumorah in the garden. (pictures soon, as soon as I get them processed...). This means I was up until 10:00 working in the kitchen (I think I just sat down for the first time today, except when I was in the car), but it was worth it. How many more years do I get to scoop Sam's guts out while he tries to cut the retaining wall with his pumpkin knife, then stab his poor pumpkin repeatedly so it has tiny little cuts all over? And Pearl, already so big that she wanted a scary face pumpkin.

Love my kids. So glad I get to have this time with them (even though I'm pretty sure my body will be completely worn out by the time I'm done and I won't be good for anything else...).


Tim, Annie, Jack said...

Well said, nothing better than being a mom and nothing more tiring either! Sounds like the perfect day.

Anonymous said...

Amy, what a sweet post. Almost made me cry! And helped me to remember that these days with them being soo little won't last forever, to enjoy the time I have with them, no matter how crazy it gets! I think once our kids are grown up and gone we should throw ourselves an "I Survived My Kids" party!