Saturday, August 27, 2011


I am very (35 weeks) pregnant. It's uncomfortable, and I'm still kind of terrified at the thought of being outnumberd 4 to one. Plus, my friend Tami had her baby this week, and I'm just a teensy tiny bit JEALOUS that she's done.

Soooo... it's time to write down some thoughts to help me remember to be grateful.

This is the baby I never meant to have. Jared and I always talked about and agreed on 4 kids, even before we were married. I also had the ten years of childbearing rule. When Robbie died, one of the thoughts that I had in the days following were that I guess I was meant to have more than 4 kids. I'd like to think I'm not THAT stubborn, and that if I knew number 5 was waiting, I would have done it, but perhaps my Heavenly Father knows me better than I think.

Before this pregnancy, I was really dragging my feet. It had taken over a year to get pregnant with Max, and I was getting older, and I really didn't want to do the whole thing again. There were a lot of reasons... not to have another. I liked my three, they were all good kids, I'm happy with three, and TECHNICALLY, I've already had four. So, I made the decision to try, thinking that if it took forever again, I wouldn't really try that hard and it wouldn't be my fault.

So much for that plan. About 2 seconds after it was possible, I was pregnant. Blessing number one. Then, for the first trimester, I was... well, not exactly sick, but nauseous a lot of the time. Just enough for me to not gain any weight during that first three months (a major concern of mine)... blessing number two. In fact, at this point, I've only gained 15 pounds, which is fairly miraculous because I've had 4 other pregnancies and have gained 40 pounds with each like clockwork.

I've been feeling so good this pregnancy, I was able to do all sorts of things, like walking (until it got too hot), taking taekwondo class until I was 33 weeks, taking the kids to Sunsplash all summer... all things which in every previous pregnancy would have been impossible, because my body likes to contract every three minutes or so starting at about 20 weeks. Not this time... just normal BH contractions starting at 8 1/2 months.

And... the most miraculous thing of all... I'm still sleeping. My hips don't hurt, the insomnia isn't that bad (or that often)... never before. Yet another blessing, I'm sure.

So... I think she's meant to be a part of this family. I'm so grateful that this round has been easier on my body and my mental health. And I can't wait to meet her, because of course, she's going to be one special lady. And I think she'll be relieved that she made it... barely...


Millie @ The Busy Butlers said...

I think I'll have to re-read your post and make my own gratitude list in about 31 weeks. ;o)
That was so inspirational to read, Amy. I think your attitude is so amazing, especially after a loss like that! I love you! What an example you are to me!

Maryann said...

I'm so glad Ruby is joining the family. I really thought you should have her. :) (And you know how important my opinion on the matter is.) Anyway, I'm glad that things have been a tiny bit easier for you this time. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to be jealous when you're all done and I'm not quite. Then again, maybe not. I'm totally not ready. Big surprise, huh?

Sherry H said...

I was just thinking yesterday about whether or not you had been having many contractions, I guess that answers that.
I just read this to great grandma and grandpa and I found myself getting a little verklemped, I guess I'm getting anxious to meet her too.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad that Ruby will be here soon, even if she did barely make it! :0) I've been thinking a lot about Ruby and Robbie lately. I've been thinking that maybe they have been spending time together knowing that will be of the same earthly family once Ruby arrives. How sacred and wonderful that is. And soo beautiful. Heavenly Father's plan of eternal family is sooo sacredly beautiful, isn't it? We are soo loved by our Father in Heaven. And you and your fam are loved by many, one of them being me!