Friday, January 11, 2013

Big Deal

Ruby is a special baby.  Remember that video of her scooting that was sooo funny in early october?  Well, it's not quite so funny now, especially since she's 15 1/2 months and not standing on her own.  I mean, not standing without considerable support from me, and panicking about 5 seconds in.  In mid- December, we got her evaluated by an infant educator and an early intervention physical therapist.  She is at or above age level in all areas of development.  

Except for her gross motor skills.  That's right, she is classified as "severe orthopedic delay"  She's at a 7 month level.  Ouch.  So, we started with some exercises that the assessing PT gave us, and we've had one in-home visit.  I've already seen a lot of improvement, she is starting to pull herself to stand when I have her in a stable seated position.  But this was a first.  
 I removed the crib mobile and lowered the bed at like 6 months of age, turns out, I needn't have worried about that so soon, as she didn't decide to stand up in her crib until this morning, at 15 1/2 months.  
 See how her little toes are on top of each other?  It's like she just locked her knees and by sheer force of will and arm strength she pulled herself up there.  
She was pretty proud.  And so was I.  But she was glad when I rescued her, standing up like that is hard work!!!!


Crystal Hulbert said...

this little girl couldn't be any cuter .

Maryann said...

She is a-dor-a-ble. Seriously. Yay for Ruby!