Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sam strikes again.

Jared - "When's the last time I wanted your grubby hands in the way when I was reading a book?"
Sam - "I don't know... HEY! There was never even a FIRST time!"
Exactly Sam. That's the point... how smart you are:)

As I was in the kitchen cleaning up (the scraps of the cookies on the cookie sheet:) he emerges from the bathroom. "Mom, do we keep all the doors and windows closed at night?"
Yes, Sam
"Good, then the vampire bats won't get in."
Oh, now I'm relieved, we'll be saved from the vampire bats:)

Me "I hate tomato worms!!!! They're the grossest things ever!!!"
Sam "But they're not in my 100 grossest things book. Poop is, though."

Sam and Pearl were playing outside. I went to leave and asked them what they were doing.
Pearl "we're having a funeral for a lizzard."
Sam (eyes wide) "yeah, mom, it's DEAD!!!!"
Good good. I'm glad we're not having a funeral for a live lizzard...

This was just today folks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a hard time EVER taking him seriously:)

1 comment:

Sherry H said...

Yep, ask Jared about the taking him seriously thing. ;0)