Sunday, August 2, 2009


Napping with the baby is Jared's major contribution thus far... actually, that isn't fair. He has also assisted in diaper emergencies at 2 am, took a late night shift last night so I wouldn't start crying, and I'm pretty sure has changed at least as many diapers as I have. He's home for 6 weeks, but I think the "vacation" (translation - the part where he naps with baby and helps with my every whim and does all the grocery shopping and the dishes) part is over, it's time to get some projects done outside...

The kids have been VERY excited about helping. Sam helps by NOT climbing on the couch with his big feet when Max is there. Pearl LOVES to hold him - this morning she held him for 15 minutes so I could get Sam ready for church. Hope that doesn't go away too soon.
Max has some serious skills already - pacifier holding! What else could be better for a newborn!
After bath hair - so crazy fluffy I had to get a picture
He makes you want to pet him:) Good week. I'm tired, but I think the 3 kid thing might turn out to be ok... we'll see.


Tim, Annie, Jack said...

ha ha that hair in the last picture...priceless!

Darlene Anderson said...

Amy!!!, YOU'RE FAMILY IS SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I'm exclaiming over how precious your sweet darlings are....every single one!!!!!!!!!!