Thursday, August 20, 2009


I went to the movies last night and came home to a rattlesnake carcass in my refrigerator. Apparently he found it behind the sandbox on the porch (yikes!). You'll have to ask Jared about that one...


Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

uh... WHY is it in the fridge?!? If I would have found that, someone would have had to PEEL me from the ceiling! GROSS!!

Brooke Trogdon said...

Um that's gross and why was it in the fridge. Seriously no thankyou.

Amy said...

I think he's planning on eating it. Nasty.

Jared Hulbert said...

Why is it in the fridge? I plan on cooking today so putting in it the freezer is unnecessary.

Besides, leaving it at room temperature overnight isn't good food safety practice.

Lynn said...

uh, gross. I hope it wasn't near any food. Are you sure you want to eat it, it's not like you know what IT was chain effect.

Amy said...

Gross. That would scar me forever. I just got your cute pic- thank you! Max is beautiful! I am loving looking at his cute face and his hair is awesome!

Mark A said...

Tastes like Chicken!

Jared Hulbert said...

For the record:

"I hope it wasn't near any food."

It _was_ food. Have you ever had raw chicken in your fridge?

"food chain effect"

It ate free range grass fed rodents on our ranch. 100% organic and sustainable.

"tastes like chicken"

I used to agree with that. With teriyaki it does taste like chicken. I just pan fried it with salt and pepper this time. Much sweeter meat, almost exactly like iguana.

Amy said...

For the record...

I was not in the house for either the cooking or the consumption of the rattlesnake. I am blissfully unaware of the nuances of rattlesnake flavor.

Anonymous said...

I had snake before, and it tasted like yummy snake stew. Mmmmm...

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of trout, it flakes and it is a little sweet like trout.
Mom H