Sunday, February 21, 2010

Max and Maya

We love cousins. We have so many so close, and Max has three on each side that were born his year. More cousins are moving to town soon, and Maya isn't too far away (in Utah) so we're able to see her fairly often.

We went to Utah for Maya's sealing to her parents (so awesome, I don't even know where to begin. We were so lucky to be there). Max and Maya had a little play time. As it always seems to be in pictures of them together, once again Maya is totally dolled up and Max is in sweats. I'm not sure if it's a girl/boy thing or a 1st/3rd child thing or just a commentary on their mothers. Anyway, they really seemed to enjoy it.

After the first few minutes, it became clear that Maya will totally beat Max in a fight. She took charge right away, and to tell you the truth, Max didn't seem to mind. Maybe he's learned early the secret to a woman's heart.... just let them do whatever they want.
They did enjoy looking at each other. Max can't do much more than vibrate with joy, but at least Maya didn't roll away from him:)

"Don't worry Mom, I've got this covered."
"And now I'm tired..."


Amy said...

those pictures are priceless. So adorable!

Kino Force of Freedom said...

I love these pictures! You are amazing!

Maryann said...

Oh my goodness. So cute. I'm so jealous. Can't wait until I get to meet Maya.

Crystal Hulbert said...

Oh how fun!