Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sam and Jack

So, now that Jack is older and obsessed with Sammy's hand me downs, Annie and I have been trying to get them some alone playtime together. Unfortunately, they both seem to enjoy the idea of each other more than actually being together. Today we went to the park, and Sam had no nap so he was particularly onery. He kept taking Jack's hat off (which is a HUGE no-no) with his teeth, to which Jack would of course then retaliate. Looks like we're going to have to work on that relationship a bit more...with all of the girl cousins, these two are going to need to stick together...I'm sure by the time they are 5 and 6 they will have a blast together (especially if Annie lets Jack come get dirty in the creek at our house), but for now, we are still working on civility and manners...
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