Sunday, June 7, 2009


So, the big project for today was getting the office ready to be the baby's room. (He could share with Sam, but I'm not ready to give up real estate in my therapy room...)  I always feel better when I get these things done, so, Jared was enlisted and he gave up half of his office for a crib and changing table.  I have a very short list of things I still need to get (like socks, where do the baby socks go?), and all in all feel very prepared.  You know you are done and hate being pregnant when you tell your unborn son he has 5 or 6 weeks left before it's time to move out...

Well, with the crib set up and the new airplane blanket that Sam picked out for the baby visible, Sam decided to pretend to be a baby.  So, we put him in the crib, and he spent some time saying "wah wah" and crawling.  We did have to inform him that babies don't climb out of their cribs, but wait for mommy and daddy to get them... Well, he decided to really sleep there, so Jared let him fall asleep in the crib then moved him to his toddler bed.  At 3 AM (after my snack, while I was blogging because the baby is keeping me awake) I hear fussing from Sam's room.  "Mom, I'm hot" (what I thought) "Ok, I'll turn on the fan"  "No, I'm LOST! Wah, wah" (he was actually almost in tears at this point) "Oh, you want your crib?" "Yeah."  So, I moved him back to the crib and he's already back to sleep.  Good thing we set it up early (though, so much for the clean sheets and blankets...), hopefully the novelty will wear off before Max actually has to use it!!  

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