Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pearl's First Recital

Pearl had her very first piano recital today! We went from quite overconfident, to tears, to somewhere in between by the time the recital started. She was #2 on the program (she's only been taking for 3 months...) which means we sat through the rest of a very long recital... thank heavens Sherry took Sam for me!
This is the before, and below is the after. She was much more relaxed!
She got a REAL CORSAGE made by Sister Larsen for her first recital. I remember my dad got me a corsage for my first recital - I also remember crying because I did a wrong note. Pearl did a much better job than me.
So, here is the performance! I just have to say, I LOVE my new camera. This is the second time I've set video up on the tripod so I could hold Max and video Pearl at the same time. This time was even cooler because I had to be in the back of a large auditorium, but I got to use my super long zoom lens.

Nice work, Pearl! We're very proud of you!

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