Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random thoughts

My hospital is on strike today. So, I can't have the baby. Contractions all day yesterday, so I took baths, laid down, and in general tried to prevent labor. Now it's noon, and they baby has to wait until 7 am tomorrow at least, so it's another lounge around day. I'm kind of annoyed. At this point, I should be jumping on trampolines to get her OUT, not holding her IN because of a bunch of stupid nurses who are sympathy striking even though they HAVE a current contract.

This nesting thing is getting out of control. Today I finished her Christmas stocking. Seriously, I have nothing left to do. I think I'll take a nap.

Last night, as he was going to bed, Sam called us in for a great discovery. "Dad, I know what 3 times 4 is!!! It's 12!" That's right Sam, how did you know that? "Because Monster Mash has 4 feet and three toes each!" I'm not sure that Pearl is understanding that concept yet (in fact, I know she's not, because I have to help her with her math homework every day). How can a child be so brilliant, and yet so spacey at the same time? The other day, I caught him trying to put his shoes on FIRST while getting dressed, as in buck naked, no socks, and we think the SHOES come FIRST?!?!?!

I found my flash. It was on the windowsill behind my desk for the whole month I was looking for it, and then for another 3 weeks after I ordered the new one. Maybe Sam gets his spaciness from me.

If you ask Max where the baby is, he'll happily lift my shirt to show you. If you ask him if he wants a baby, he most definitely says no. Pretty smart of him:)

Now we just wait... tomorrow, baby. Tomorrow would be a good day.

1 comment:

Maryann said...

Sam is brilliant. And hilarious. All geniuses are spacey in their own way.

Yay for babies tomorrow. Tomorrow would be a great day. Good luck.

I'm thinking October 1st. That would be a great day for a baby, too. My baby that is, not wishing the 1st on you. But I'm not counting on it.