Monday, October 31, 2011


This is us. Boy, there are a lot of us now. We walked into a restaurant last week and they nice lady said "how many?" My first thought was, too many. Too, too many:) Here's to lots of years of craziness as a family of six!


Elizabeth said...

I love it! Beautiful looking family!!

Millie @ The Busy Butlers said...

Yeah, I'm already having moments of panic when I think that we're adding #4 to the mix - maybe having six months to ruminate on the fact will help me deal with it better? You guys are all so adorable! Such a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Amy, you have a beautiful family!And you soo crack me up: "My first thought was, too many. Too, too many." Ha! Ha! And that's why I didn't have a third. But if anyone could handle 4 kiddos, it's definitely you!