Sunday, March 7, 2010

Great Grandpa Rikalo

One thing I was so glad to do while we were down in LA was to visit my Grandpa Rikalo. He still lives in the same house I used to visit him in as a child, there are so many memories there! He lives in a little harbor town on top of a hill... the backyard was such a magical place for a child!
It's been a few years since I've seen him, it was great to get this picture. The only other picture I have with him and the kids was holding Pearl as a baby (as in, two weeks old).

The things I think of most when I think of my grandpa are hard work and frugality. He is such a hard worker! He most definitely passed that trait down to my mother, who is also a hard worker, and frugal as well. Having these traits modeled for me played a big part in the decision of who I chose to marry, as Jared's work ethic is one of the things I admire most about him (or at least try to when he's working late or roving the earth....)

I'm glad we got to see Grandpa. Pearl and Sam are named after his parents, but I didn't know them, I only know him, but I'm pretty sure they taught him well for him to have lived a life as he has. From what I hear, they weren't perfect (who is) but they were hard workers. Here's to hoping my children will carry that trait on to the next generation.

1 comment:

mewcobain said...

nice pic!!!

adorable kids...