Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sam on Moving.

S: Mom, we need to move. Our house is too old.
Me: No it's not, we like old houses. This house is older than Great Grandpa!
S: But we need to move.
Me: What's the problem, is it too small?
S: (with a chin quiver) no, it's too big.
Me: Ok Sam, where do you want to move?
S: Jack's house. Cause his toys are better than mine.
Me: What if we got those toys, then would you be happy? (not that I would, just curious...)
S: No, becaus then Jack would miss them. We could move tomorrow. I could be Jack's brother.
P: What about me?
S: Don't worry Pearl, Jack can be your brother too.

Wouldn't it be so convienent if Annie could be his mom too... at least for a little while:)