Thursday, November 27, 2008

Train Museum

Well, it was time for another Hulbert Family adventure. We decided to take the kids on light rail to the train museum downtown. The train was really exciting at first...

Once we got there, we got to go in some old trains and see lots of cool informational exhibits. The kids loved the toy train exhibit upstairs - with a complete Thomas train table that Sam cried when he had to leave!
They also loved the model trains - you could push the button and make one of the trains go!
By the time we were waiting for the train to go home, we were a bit tired. Pearl did her job of telling us to get off at Hazel to eat dinner at spaghetti factory - she was very proud of her reading aiblities. Sam fell asleep at 6:30 in the car on the way home, and went straight to bed. Fabulous treat for mom!!!

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