Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Giant Slip and Slide

So, we did it, our annual giant slip and slide party. We got in about the last warm day of the year, so I guess that was it for this year. This is the sign Pearl made so that people would know there was a party.
She included herself and some of her friends she knew were going to be there. She was so excited!
Jared always has to test it out first - you know, to make sure it's safe and stuff. I wish I had gotten a better picture of the whole thing - 100 yards of tough black plastic and three sprinklers make an awesome slide!
Pearl and Makayla were content to run in the sprinklers.
There goes tough guy Sam - he was totally blue from cold about 15 minutes into the party:)
Max got to hang with Mara and Katie - much better than running around with his Mom who always buzzes about when there are parties at the house!
They were much happier out of the water!
This is Sam and Lizzie's after party. Cold, tired, and ready to eat potato chips!


Elizabeth said...

I love that last picture...

Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

Glad to hear you guys don't take slip'n'slides too seriously!... Holy big Slip'n'Slide Batman! That thing's HUGE! TOO fun!! Love the cute pictures!!!